Reference Images for No. 11 |
Figs. #1, 2, 3, & 4 |
Fig. 1. Very thick cementum with only a few scattered granules in middle part; heavy granules along cementodentinal junction, becoming less abundant in cementum outward from junction. (X360.)* Fig. 2. Thick cementum; granules scattered throughout but heaviest along cementodentinal junction and along the course of incremental lines; very large elongated clump in primary cementum tending to follow course of Sharpey's fibers. (X 360.) Fig. 3. Thick cementum from specimen stained before cutting. Note distribution of granules, particularly the streak in the secondary cementum and the wide area beneath, in which there are no granules. ( X 360.) Fig. 4. Thick cementum with granules distributed throughout deeper two-thirds of its thickness; a few projecting into the dentine. (X360.) --------------------- *Key to illustrations: D, Dentine. C, Cementum. Zdeac, Zone of disintegrating epithelial attachment cuticle. eac, Epithelial attachment cuticle. BF, Bacterial film. Ca, Calculus.
Figs. 5, 6, 7, 8 |
Fig. 5. Thick cementum; small granules along and just beneath cementodentinal junction; large elongated clumps in primary cementum tending to follow course of Sharpey's fibers; a few granules and clumps in secondary cementum; heavy bacterial film retained on surface. (X360.) Fig. 6. Field takes in deeper half of cementum. Tomes granular layer of dentine, and tubular dentine deeper in. Note heaviest distribution of granules along cementodentinal junction, a few extending into outer part of Tomes layer; dentinal fibrils and their branches in the deeper part in dentine. (X360.) Fig. 7. Large, coarse granules distributed along the cementodentinal junction; others about midway the thickness of cementum; at other places the cementum is entirely free of granules. (X360.) Fig. 8. Thickened cementum, primary portion (P) about one-fourth entire thickness. Note streak of granules running parallel to, and near, surface; a few very coarse granules in dentine just at or beneath cementodentinal junction at top part of picture but none from there downward; wide area entirely free of granules. (X360.)
Figs. 9, 10, 11 & 12 |
Fig. 9. Very thick cementum with scattered large clumps of granules in deeper half; entirely different size and appearance of the much more numerous granules in the outer half. (X360.) Fig. 10. Granules and large clumps along cementodentinal junction; granules in the cementum diminishing as we go away from the junction; dentinal fibrils extend well into the Tomes granular layer, probably indicating that they are vital notwithstanding the heavy pathologic granules and very much thickened cementum overlying it. (X360.) Fig. 11. Many granules distributed along outer surface of Tomes layer and some in cementum at cementodentinal junction; scattered coarse granules or clumps at junction of middle and deeper third of cementum; small collection in outer third at one place; large collection or clump near middle of picture. (X360.) Fig. 12. Hump of very much thickened cementum; heavy granules and clumps in primary cementum and only a few scattered ones in the secondary part. Was the secondary cementum laid down upon primary cementum that previously had been exposed? (X360.)
Figs. 13, 14, 15 & 16 |
Fig. 13. Abundant granules in dentine beneath cemetodentinal junction; cementum practically free of granules; outer surface heavily stained before section was cut. (X360.) Fig. 14. Stained preparation; cementum showing only a few granules in it but the granules and clumps extending deep into the dentine stand out sharply. (X360.) Fig. 15. Stained preparation; thin cementum with numerous granules showing in it and many clumps extending deep into Tomes layer; one extra large clump especially noticeable. (X360.) Fig. 16. Granules distributed in Tomes layer beneath exposed cementum; heavy bacterial film on surface of cementum or on calculus in upper part of picture. (X189.)
Fiogs. 17, 18, 19 & 20 |
Fig. 17, Heavily stained section showing a few of last granules in deeper part of cementum which, was located just beneath the zdeac; no granules in most apexward part (upper one-fourth of picture) of cementum; vital dentinal fibrils extending into Tomes layer. (X360.) Fig. 18. The last few granules beneath the zdeac at the surface but none farther apexward (top of picture). (X360.) Fig. 19. Hand-cut section abundant pathologic granules in cementum terminating just beneath zdeac (not in sharp focus) at surface, separated from cementum; no granules farther apexward (lower part of picture). (X360.) Fig. 20. Granules mostly in dentine terminating at about the zdeac level; heavy bacterial film also terminating at zdeac level; loosened ribbon of epithelial attachment cuticle bulging outward at lower right hand corner of picture. (X360.)
Figs. 21 & 22 |
Fig. 21. Cementum worn down by toothbrush abrasion; no pathologic granules in either the cementum or the underlying dentine; the one dot seen is an artifact. (X360.) Fig. 22. Hand-cut section showing heavy dark appearance produced by abundant dark brown granules in deeper part of cemetum and along cementodentinal junction. (X 360.)
Fig. 23. Thin piece shaved from about level of cementodentinal junction, photographed by incident light, showing the pathologic granules bright white, which appear dark brown (black) by transmitted light. (X72.)