Some Important Developments Presently Influencing Dental Health In America |
Charles C. Bass, M.D. New Orleans, La.
Reprinted from the Journal of the Louisiana State Medical Society pp. 201-216, Vol. 109, No. 6, June 1957
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“I wish to direct attention to four separate developments that have taken place during the past forty years which will have to be discredited and discontinued, and their misleading influences will have to be overcome for people to enjoy the highest degree of oral cleanliness and dental health.”
“At the present time very few people know and accurately follow, or have any way to learn the exact method which must be followed to prevent caries. Consequently, almost all people in this country have more or less caries lesions, and most of these tend to progress.”
“Personal oral hygiene is an individual and a personal matter. Each person must know and accurately follow an effective method.”