Some Remarks Relative to Dental Health |
Charles C. Bass, M.D. New Orleans, La.
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| "A clean tooth does not decay." C.C. Bass, M.D.
“Practically all people in this country have more or less caries. The average ten-year-old child has already more than two decayed, missing or filled teeth. By 15 or 16, he has several more and by adult age, still more. Treatment, fillings and restorations of decayed teeth usually last for only a limited length of time. They generally break down, sooner or later, and have to be renewed from time to time, throughout life or until the tooth is finally lost. Periodontoclasia is a universal disease of man, beginning in childhood and never ending until all the teeth are lost, if the individual lives long enough. These two diseases together present this nation's most prevalent health problem.”
“Measures for prevention of these diseases and for prevention of further damage by them must be based upon correct information as to the local etiological and pathological conditions.”
“People rely upon the dental profession, not only for treatment and repair of damage they have sustained from dental disease, but also for advice and information about prevention of future damage. By application of the information we now have, not information that must be discovered later, every normal person should retain all of his teeth through ripe old age.”