Teaching The Bass Method of Personal Oral Hygiene |
by Charles C. Bass, M.D. Robert C. Coker, D.D.S.
The Bass method of personal oral hygiene was designed to provide practical application of accurate information secured through several years of intensive research relative to the microscopic etiological and pathological conditions at the particular locations where the lesions of caries and those of periodontoclasia originate and advance. It differs greatly from other methods heretofore advocated, none of which, in the light of this basic information, could be expected to be entirely effective in preventing and controlling these diseases. This exact method must be taught individually to each person by a dentist who knows (and follows) it himself and understands why it is necessary. Incidental to teaching this method to members of the faculty, students and other university personnel, and for our purposes and guidance, we prepared a detailed description of just how we do it. We have had this printed, believing that it would be of interest and helpful to those dentists who have been instructed relative to the method and who are trying to teach it to their patients.
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| "A Clean Tooth Does Not Decay." Charles C. Bass, M.D.
"We can say in one sentence exactly what you, and everyone else, must know and do to prevent and control the two diseases, caries and periodontoclasia (pyorrhoea): 'You must clean your teeth right with the right kind of both toothbrush and dental floss every night before retiring.”
“A clean tooth does not decay. Periodontoclasia does not occur about a clean tooth. These two diseases are the cause of almost all loss of teeth. Therefore this thorough cleaning with both toothbrush and dental floss every night before retiring is essential for oral cleanliness and good dental health throughout life.”
“The Bass method of personal oral hygiene was designed by Dr. C. C. Bass and is based upon extensive and intensive research work relative to the microscopic etiological and pathological conditions at the particular locations where the lesions of caries and those of periodontoclasia originate and advance.”