"Some Important Developements..." cont. |
1. Editorial. The inauguration of a serious effort to establish a system of education for dental hygienists, Dent. Items Interest 36:1, 1919. 2. Fones, A. C.: The dental hygienist in public institutions, Dent. Items Interest 37 :1:20, 1915. 3. Fones, A. C.: Instructions for the home care of the mouth, Dent. Items Interest 37 :356, 1915. 4. Fones, A. C.: Mouth Hygiene, (4th ed.). Philadelphia, Lea and Febiger. 1942. 5. Charters, M. J.: Immunizing both hard and soft mouth tissue to infection by correct stimulation with the toothbrush, J.A.D.A. 15:87, 1928. 6. Charters, M. J.: Toothbrush stimulation, Dental survey 11 :88, (Sept.) 1935. 7. Stillman, P. R.: Philosophy of treatment of periodontal disease, D. Digest 38 :314, 1932. 8. Stillman, P. R. and McCall, J. O.: Clinical Periodontia, New York. The Macmillan Co. 1922. 9. Stillman, P. R.: The toothbrush, J. Am. Dent. Hygienists Assn. 7 :3, 1933. 10: Hirschfeld, I: The toothbrush, its use and abuse, New York. Dent. Items Interest Pub. Co. 1939. 11. Bass, C. C.: The optimum characteristics of toothbrushes for personal oral hygiene, Dent. Items Int. 70:697, 1948. 12. Faine, S. and Hercus, C. E.: The nutritional status of Cook Islanders, J. Nutrition 5:327, 1951. 13. Cunningham, W. M.: Prevalence of periodontal disease 2. In Australia, Internat. D. J. 5 :200, 1955. 14. Davies, G. N.: Dental conditions among the Polynesians of Pukapuka (Danger Island) ii. The prevalence of periodontal disease, J. D. Res. 35:734, 1956. 15. Clement, A. J., Plotkin, R. and Fosdick, L. S.: The formation of lactic acid in dental plaques. ii. Oral conditions of primitive bushmen of the western Kalahari Desert, J. D. Res. 35 :486, 1956. 16. Supplement 1a with March 1956 number of J.A.D.A. 17. Bass, C. C.: The necessary personal oral hygiene for prevention of caries and periodontoclasia, New Orleans M. & S. J., 101 :52, 1948. 18. Bass, C. C.: An effective method of personal oral hygiene, J. Louisiana State M. Soc., 106 :57; 106 :100, 1954. 19. Bass, C. C.: The optimum characteristics of dental floss for personal oral hygiene, Dent. Items Int. 70 :921, 1948. 20. Bass, C. C. and Fullmer, H. M.: The location of the zone of disintegrating epithelial attachment cuticle in relation to the cemento-enamel junction and to the outer border of the periodontal fibers on some tooth specimens, J. D. Res. 27 :623, 1948. 21. Kronfeld, R.: Histopathology of the teeth and their surrounding structures, 3rd ed. revised and edited by Boyle, P. E. Philadelphia. Lea and Febiger, 1950. 22. Bass, C. C.: A demonstrable line on extracted teeth indicating the location of the outer border of the epithelial attachment, .1. D. Res. 25:401, 1946. 23. Bass, C. C.: The relation of the inner border of bacterial film on the tooth within the gingival crevice, to the zone of disintegrating epithelial attachment cuticle, Oral Surg., Oral Med. and Oral Path. 2 :1580, 1949. 24. Bass, C. C.: The relation of the inner border of subgingival calculus to the zone of disintegrating epithelial attachment cuticle, Oral Surg., Oral Med. and Oral Path. 3 :1125, 1950. 25. Bass. C. C.: The optimum characteristics of dental floss for personal oral hygiene, Dent. Items Int. 70 :921, 1948. 26. Stephan, R. M.: Hydrogen ion concentration of the dental plaque, J. D. Res. 17 :251, 1938. 27. Stephan, R. M.: Changes in hydrogen-ion concentration on tooth surfaces and in carious lesions, J.A.D.A. 27 :718, 1940. 28. Fosdick, L. S., Campaigne, E. E. and Foucher, O.: Rate of acid formation in dental caries: The etiology of dental caries, Ill. D. J., 10 :85, 1941. 29. Fosdick, L. S. and Burrill, D. Y.: The effect of pure sugar solutions On the hydrogen-ion concentration of carious lesions, Fortnightly Review, Chicago Dent. Soc., 6 :7, 1943. 30. Stephan, R. M.: Intra-oral hydrogen-ion concentration associated with dental caries activity, J. D. Res. 23 :257, 1944. 31. Easlick, K. A.: Dental Caries, St. Louis, C. V. Mosby Co., 1948. 32. Dental Caries: prevention and control (Pamphlet) Chicago, A. D. A. 33. Fosdick, L. S.: The reduction of the incidence of dental caries. 1. Immediate tooth-brushing with a neutral dentifrice, J.A.D.A. 40 :133, 1950. 34. McKay, F. S.: Mottled enamel: a fundamental problem in dentistry, Dent. Cosmos 67 :847, 1925. 35. Black, G. V. and McKay, F. S.: Mottled teeth: An endemic developmental imperfection heretofore unknown in the literature of dentistry, Dental Cosmos 58 :129, 1916. 36. McKay, F. S.: The establishment of a definite relation between enamel that is defective in its structure, as mottled enamel, and the liability to decay, Dental Cosmos 71 :729, 1929. 37. McKay, F. S.: Progress of the year in the investigation of mottled enamel with special reference to its association with artesian water, J. Natnl. Dent. Assoc., 5 :721, 1918. 38. McKay, F. S.: The present status of the investigation of the cause, and of the geographical distribution of mottled enamel including a complete bibliography on mottled enamel, J. Dent. Res. 10 :561, 1930. 39. Churchill, H. V.: Occurrence of fluorides in some waters of the United States, J. Ind. and Eng. Chem. 23: 996, 1931 and J. Am. Water Works Assoc. 23 :1399, 1931. 40. Dean, H. T. and Elvove, E.: Studies on the minimum threshold of the dental sign of chronic endemic fluorosis (mottled enamel), P. H. Rep. 50 :1719, 1935. 41. See reference 60. 42. Ast, D. B., Finn, S. B., and Chase, H. C.: Newburgh-Kingston caries fluorine study iii. Further analysis of dental findings including the permanent and deciduous dentitions after four years of water fluoridation, J.A.D.A. 42 :188, 1951. 43. Cox, G. J.: Recent progress in prevention of dental caries by the fluoridization of community water supplies, Penn. Dent. J., 17 :279, 1950. 44. Hill, I. N., Blaney, J. R. and Wolf, W.: The Evanston dental caries study. vii. The effect of artificially fluoridated water on dental caries experience of 12, 13, and 14 year old school children, J. D. Res. 30:670, 1951. 45 Ibid. The Evanston dental caries study. x. The caries rates of 6, 7 and 8 year old children with progressively increasing periods of exposure to artificially fluoridated water, J. D. Res. 31:346, 1952. 46. McKay, F. S.: Mass control of dental caries through the use of domestic water supplies containing fluorine, Am. J. Pub. Health, 38 :828, 1948. 47. Brown, H. K.: Mass control of dental caries by fluoridation of public water supply, J. Canada D. Assoc., 18 :200, 1952. 48. Ast, D. B. and Chase, H. C.: The Newburgh-Kingston caries fluorine study. iv. Dental findings after six years of water fluoridation, Oral Surg., Oral Med. and Oral Path. 6 :114, 1953. 49. Deatherage, C. F.: Fluoride domestic waters and dental caries experience in 2,026 white Illinois Selective Service men, J. D. Res., 22:129, 1943. 50. Arnold, F. A., Jr.: The possibility of reducing dental caries by increasing fluoride ingestion. Dental caries and fluorine, Am. Assn. Adv. Science, 1946. 51. Knutson, J. W.: An evaluation of the Grand Rapids water fluoridation project, J. Mich. State Med. Soc. 53: 1001, 1954. 52. Bull, F. A.: Control of dental caries by the addition of fluorides to public water supplies, J.A.D.A. 41 :146, 1950. 53. Arnold, F. J., Jr., Dean, H. T., Jay, P., Knutson, J. W.: Effect of fluoridated public water supplies on dental caries prevalence, P. H. Rep. 71 :652, 1956. 54. Brown, H. K., McLaren, H. R, Josie, G. H. and Stewart, B. .I.: The Brantford-Sarnia-Stratford fluoridation caries study-1950 report, J. Can. D. A. 22 :207, 1955. 55. Leone, N. C., and others: Review of the Bartlett-Cameron Survey: a ten year fluoride study, J.A.D.A. 50: 277, 1955.
56. Ast, D. B., Smith, D. .I., Wachs. E., Cantwell, K. T.: Newburgh-Kingston caries-fluorine study xiv. Combined clinical and roentgenographic dental findings after ten years of fluoride experience, J.A.D.A. 52 :314, 1956. 57. Forscher, B. K., Paulsen, A. G. and Hess, W. C.: The pH of the periodontal pocket and the glycogen content of the adjacent tissue, J. D. Res. 33 :444, 1954. 58. Dean, H. T., and others: Domestic water and dental caries, including certain epidemiological aspects of oral L. acidophilus, P. H. Repts. 54 :862, 1939. 59. Dean, H. T., Jay, P., Arnold, F. A. Jr., and Evolve, E.: Domestic water and dental caries. ii. A study of 2,832 white children, aged 12-14 years, of 8 suburban Chicago communities, including L. acidolphus studies of 1,761 children, P. H. Repts. 56:761, 1941. 60. Dean, H. T., Arnold, F. A., Jr. and Evolve, E.: Domestic water and dental caries experience in 4,425 white children, aged 12 to 14, of 13 cities in 4 states, P. H. Rept. 57 :1155, 1942. 61. Arnold, F. A., Jr.: Role of fluorides in preventive dentistry, J. A. D. A. 30:499, 1943. 62. Dean, H. T.: Epidemiological studies in the United States. Dental caries and fluorine, Am. Assn. Adv. Science, 1946. 63. Russell, A. L,: The Inhibition of approximal caries in adults with lifelong fluorine exposure, J. D. Res. 32:138, 1953. 64. Ast, D. B., Bushel, A., Wachs, B. and Chase, H. C.: Newburgh-Kingston caries-fluorine study, viii. Combined clinical and roentgenographic dental findings after eight years of fluoride experience, J. A. D. A. 50:680, 1955. 65. Arnold, F. A., Jr., Dean, H. T. and Singleton, D. E.: The effect on caries incidence of a single topical application of a fluoride solution to the teeth of young adult males of a military population, J. D. Res. 23:155, 1944. 66. Bibby, B. G. The use of fluorine in the prevention of caries. u. Effect of sodium fluoride application, J. A. D. A. 31:317, 1944. 67. Cheyne, V. D.: Human dental caries and topically applied fluorine: a preliminary report, J. A. D. A. 29:804, 1942. 68. Knutson, J. W. and Armstrong, W. D.: The effect of topically applied sodium fluoride on dental caries experience, P. R. Repts., 58:1701, 1943. 69. Knutson, J. W. and Armstrong, W. D.: The effect of topically applied sodium fluoride on dental caries experience. ii. Report of findings for second study year, P. H. Repts. 60:1085, 1945. 70. Bibby, B. G.: Use of fluorine in the prevention of dental caries. i. Rationale and approach. J. A. D. A. 31:228, 1944. 71. Rickels, N. H, and Becks, H.: The effects of an acid neutral solution of sodium fluoride on the incidence of dental caries in young adults, J. D. Res. 30 :757, 1951. 72. Rickels, N. H.: The effects of a neutral and an acid solution of NaF on the incidence of dental caries in young adults, J. D. Res. 30:510, 1951. 73. Klinkengerg, E. and Bibby, B. G.: The effect of topical applications of fluorides on dental caries in young adults, J. D. Res. 29:4, 1950. 74. Gallagan, D. J. and Knutson, J. W.: Effect of topically applied fluoride on dental caries experience. vi. Experiments with sodium fluoride ... widely spaced applications ... Use of solution concentrations, P. H. Rep. 63 :1215, 1948. 75. Knutson, J. W. and Armstrong, W. D.: The effect of topically applied sodium fluoride on dental caries experience. iii. Report of findings for the third study year, P. H. Rep. 61 :1683, 1946. 76. Knutson, J. W.: An evaluation of the effectiveness as a caries control measure of the topical application of solutions of fluorides, J. D. Res. 27 :340, 1948. 77. Kutler, B. and Ireland, R. L.: The effect of sodium fluoride applications on the dental caries experience in adults, J. D. Res. 32:458, 1953. 78. Miller, J.; Bi-annual treatment with silver nitrate, copper cement, or 1 per cent sodium fluoride in the prevention of dental caries, J. D. Res. 33 :735, 1954. 79. Carter, W. J., Jay, P., Shklair, I. L. and Daniel, L. H.: The effect of topical fluoride on dental caries experience in adult females of a military population, J. D. Res. 34 :73, 1955. 80. Marshall-Day, C. D.: Effect of topical sodium fluoride on dental caries during adolescence, J. D. Res. 30: 514, 1951. 81. Jordan, W. A., Wood, O. B., Allison, J. A. and Irwin, V. D.: The effects of various numbers of topical applications of sodium fluoride, J. A. D. A. 33:1385, l946. 82. Knutson, J. W., Armstrong, W. D. and Feldman, F. M.: The effect of topically applied sodium fluoride on dental caries experience. iv. Report of findings with two, four, and six applications, P. H: Rep. 62:425, 1947. 83. Bibby, B. G. and Turesky, S. S.: A note on the duration of caries inhibition produced by fluoride applications, J. D. Res. 26:105, 1947. 84. Syrrist, A. and Karlsen, K.: A 5 year report on the effect of topical applications of sodium fluoride on dental caries experience, Brit. D. J. 97 :1, 1954. 85. McCauley, H. B, and Dale, P. P.: Observations of increased caries activity following interruption of topical fluorine applications, J. D. Res. 24:305, 1945. 86. Howell, C. L., Gish, C. W., Smiley, R. D. and Muhler, J.C., Effects of topically applied stannous fluoride in dental caries experience in children, J. A. D. A. 50 :14, 1955. 87. Muhler, J. C., Radike, A. W., Niebergall, W. H. and Day, H. G.: A comparison between the anticariogenic effects of dentifrices containing stannous fluoride and sodium fluoride, J. A. D. A. 51:556, 1955. 88. Muhler, J. C.: Effect of fluorides and other solutions on solubility of powdered enamel in acid, Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. and Med. 92:849, 1956. 89. Lilienthal, B.: Inhibition of acid formation from carbohydrate by stannous fluoride and stannous chlorofluoride, Aust. Dent. J., 1:165, 1956. 90. Lilienthal, B.: The effect of a stannous fluoride mouthwash on formation in the mouth and some observations on the mechanism of inhibition, Aust. Dent. J. 1:221, 1956. 91. Lilienthal, B. and Martin, N. D.: Investigations of the anti-enzymatic action of fluoride at the enamel surface, J. D. Res. 35:189, 1956 92. Adler, P., Straub, J. and Popovics, M.: Intravital uptake or fluorides by the teeth under various conditions, J. D. Res. 29:549, 1950. 93. Knutson, J. W., Evolution of the use of fluorine as a caries control measure: The effect of topically applied fluorine, J.A.D.A. 38:204, 1949. 94. Bibby, B. G., and Brudevold, F.: The external action of fluorides and other agents on the teeth in the prevention of dental decay. In fluoridation as a public health measure, Shaw, J. H., editor. Washington, D. C., Am. Assn. Adv. Science, 1954. 95. Forsyth, B. D.: Oral health activities of the U. S. Public Health Service, J. A. D. A. 39:158, 1949. 96. Knutson, J. W.: The nationwide topical fluorine demonstration program, J. A. D. A. 39:438, 1940. 97. News of Dentistry, J.A.D.A. 41:486, 1950. 98. Dean, H. T.: Fluorine in the control of dental caries, J.A.D.A. 52:1, 1956. 99. Fluoride means less tooth decay, Leaflet. A.D.A. Chicago.
100. Lull, G. F.: Fluoridation of water supplies. Editorial, Today's Health 32:13, 1955. 101. News of Dentistry, J.A.D.A. 50:235, 1956 102. News of Dentistry. Launch campaign to Spur fluoridation, J.A.D.A. 53 :106, 1956 103. News of Dentistry, 28,543,709 drink fluoridated water; all Chicago covered, J.A.D.A. 53:402, 1956 104. Bibby, D. G.: The apparent antagonism between caries and periodontal disease, J. Periodont. 24 :42, 1953. 105. Massler, M. and Ludwick, W: Relation of dental caries experience and gingivitis to geographic location and size of community in males 17 to 21 years old. (At the Great Lakes Naval Training Center), J. D. Res. 31 ::313, 1952. 106. Massler. M. and Savora, B. S.: Relation of gingivitis to dental caries and malocclusion, .J. D. Res. 29 :695, 1960. 107. Massler, M. and Schoul, I.: Tile P-M-A index of gingivitis, J. D. Res. 28:634, 1940. 108. Massler, M., Cohen, A. and Schour, I.: Epidemiology of gingivitis in children, J.A.D.A. 45:319, 1952. 109. Massler, M. and Ludwick, W.: Relation of dental curies experience and gingivitis to geographic location and size of community in males 17 to 21 years old. (At the Great Lakes Naval Training Center), J. D. Res. 31:313. 1D32. 110. Massler, M., Ludwick, W. and Schour, I.: Dental caries in males 17 to 20 years old. (At the Great Lakes Naval Training Center), J. D. Res. 31 :1.95, 1952. 111. Massler, M. and Savara, B. S.: Relation of gingivitis to dental caries and malocclusion in children 14 to 17 years of age, J. Periodont. 22 :87, 1951. 112. Sanuler, H. C.: Testing the uniformity of the P-M-A index as a measurement of periodontal disease, J. D. Res. 31:323, 1952 113. Brown, H. K, Kohl, F. A., MacDonald, J. B. and McLaren, II. It.: Measurement of gingivitis among school age children in Brantford, Sarnia and Stratford, using the P·M·A index, Canadian J.P.H. 4.5 :112, 1954. 114. Klein, H. and Palmer, C. E.: On the epidemiology of dental caries, Philadelphia, U.. of Pa. Press, 1941. 115. Klein, H. and Palmer, C. E.: Studies on dental caries. xii. Comparison of caries susceptibility of the various morphological types of permanent teeth, ;T. D. Res. 20 :203, 1941. 116. Klein, H., Palmer, C. E., Knutson, ;T. W.: Dental status and dental needs of elementary school children, P. H. Rep. 53 :751, 1938. 117. Dunning, ;T. M.: Variability in dental caries experience and its implication upon sample size, J. D. Res. 29 :541, 1950. 118. Russell, A. L. and Elvove, E.: Domestic water and dental caries. vii. A study of the fluoride-caries relationship in an adult population, P. H. Repts. 66 :1389, 1951. 119. Greenwood, D. A.: Fluoride intoxication, Physiological Reviews 20 :582, 1940. 120. Roholm, K.: Fluorine Intoxication, London, H. K. Lewis and Co., 1937. 121. Shortt, H. E., Pandit, C. G. and Raghavachari, T. N. S.: Endemic fluorosis in the Nellore district of South India, Ind. Med. Gaz. 72 :396, 1937. 122. Shortt, H. E., McRobert, G. R., Barnard, T. W. and Nayer, A. S. M.: Endemic fluorosis in Madras Presidency, Ind. J. Med. Res. 25 :553, 1937. 123. Pandit, C. G., Raghavachari, T. N. S., Rao, D. S. and Krishnonurti, V.: Endemic fluorosis in South India. A study of the factors involved in the production of mottled enamel in children and severe bone manifestations in adults, Ind. J. Med. Res. 28 :533, 1940. 124. Pandit, C. G. and Rao, D. N.: Endemic fluorosis in South India. Experimental production of chronic fluorine intoxication in monkeys (Macaca radiata), Ind. J. Med. Res. 28 :559, 1940. 125. Linsman, T. F. and McMurray, C. A.: Fluoride osteosclerosis from drinking water, Radiology 40 :474, 1943. Also erratum p. 497. 126. Kilborn, L. G., Outerbidge, T. S. and Lei, H. P.: Fluorosis with report of advanced case, J. Canad. M. A. 62 :135, 1950. 127. Hodges, P. C., Fareed, O. ;T., Ruggy, G. and Chudnoff, ;T. S.: Skeletal sclerosis in chronic sodium fluoride poisoning, J.A.M.A. 117 :1938, 1941. 128. Leone, N. C., and others: Medical aspects of excessive fluoride in water supply., P. H. Rep. 61 :925, 1954. 129. Bishop, P. A.: Bone changes in chronic fluorine intoxication; roentgenographic study, Am. Roengenol. 35: 577, 1936. 130. Bauer, ;T. T., Bishop, P. A. and Wolff, W. A.: Pathologic changes of bone in chronic fluorine poisoning, Bull. Ayer Clin. Lab., Pennsylvania Hospital, 3 :67, 1937. 131. Badger, D. C.: Toxic level of fluorine in water supplies, Am. J. Dis. Children 78 :72, 1949. 132. Speder, E.: Abstract in Am. T. Roentgenology 38 :506, 1937. 133. Wilkie, J.: Two cases of fluorine intoxication, Brit. J. Radiol. 13 :213, 1940. 134. Wolff, W. A. and Kerr, E. G.: Composition of human bone in chronic fluoride poisoning, Am. J. M. Sci. 195 :493, 1938. 135. Glock, G. E., Lowater, E. and Murray, M. M.. : The retention and elimination of fluorine in bones, Biochem. J. 35:1235, 1941. 136. Kemp, F. H., Murray, H. M. and Wilson, D. C.: Spondylosis deformans in relation to fluorine- and general nutrition, Lancet 2 :93, 1942. 137. DeEds, F.: Chronic fluorine intoxication, Medicine 12 :1, 1933. 138. Fleming-Moller, P. and Gudjonsson, Sk. V.: Massive fluorosis of bones and ligaments, Acta. radiol. 13 :267, 1932. 139. Dale, P. P. and McCauley, H. B.: Dental conditions in workers chronically exposed to dilute and anhydrous hydrofluoric acid, J.A.D.A. 37 :131, 1948.